I also realized how much I valued my life and the people that encircle me. Some Family, friends, acquaintances, work friends, strangers, I- just- met –you- for –the- first- time kind of people but they have all contributed to my testimony which I so speak today and thankful to the almighty GOD.
The accident is one I want to put behind me and pray it never happens to my enemy. I remain thankful as always to God because it could have been worse! One of the lessons I learned from this whole experience is that there are good people around us. We still have selfless people even in this very untrusting, cold and selfish world that we live in. That no matter how bad people may seem, they possess at least one virtue. Take for example the men who came to my aid and made sure I got first aid treatment and assisted with ensuring I get proper medical attention are the same ones to some other persons may find them as unkind and self-interested. To me, I remember them as heroes and I pray for them each day that they too will find favour wherever they go. For all those of stood by me in these trying times -family, friends, work friends, brethren from church, the I -just- met –you- for –the- first- time. Your prayers, phone calls, text messages, well wishes are very much appreciated.
I know now that the world is not as bad as it is, peace, goodness, love, kindness very much exists. And if you have not experienced any of these you know what they are, try and give them and if you still don’t receive it probably someone close to you may experience it just because you have given one of such wonderful acts earlier in time.
This is beautiful